Okay. I have never actually read a blog. Hmm.. many of my friends who have unwisely chosen to follow me may have just realized that I told you on several occasions that I had read your blog and really liked it. I lied. Now that that is settled and I have immediately relayed to my audience of..... so far none.....that I'm kind of an @#$%^& let's get back to the point.
I have never read a blog, which has left me completely unprepared to write a blog. right? I mean I'm not sure what the expectation is so my chance of meeting and or exceeding aforementioned expectation is pretty slim. But I have a lifetime dedication to underachieving so I'm pretty okay with this. There's also the other side of the coin. I have not been influenced by the bloggers before me so even if I am regurgitating the same mind numbing word vomit I'm still feeling pretty original.
So why name my blog paradox? Well because I wanted the title to convey mystery and sexiness and humor (both kinds of funny - dry whit and armadillos) and insight. In a light hearted dark way. Also because recently my son asked me what a paradox was and it took me a long time to answer because I didn't know for sure that I knew the right answer or could explain what I understood a paradox to be. We settled on agreeing it was essentially a contradiction and not a pair of dox.
The conversation got me thinking, most of the interaction I have with my children is a constantly evolving paradox, and that each rule I create or reason for requesting (demanding) a certain behavior will directly conflict with something I said before or will say in the future. Especially things said when parenting under duress "Answer me! Don't talk back!" "Santa won't leave you any presents if you lie" Sadly, for me, it doesn't stop at parenting. It is in fact the case in all aspects of my life. My beliefs in contrast with my practice. My hopes in contrast to my experience. I think my blog will began to shape and illustrate one solitary truth: I don't know what the #$%& I'm talking about.